Earth is special. Her ozone shields us from getting fried, her oxygen fills our lungs, and unless you’re not from here… Earth is the one thing that connects us all. Forget borders and passports — we are earthlings before we are anything else. This is our home. It belongs to us.
Why are you sleeping on Earth if you’re so woke?
The sad truth is that Earth has been putting up with our shit for far too long. We’re on a fast track for self-destruction, and no one seems to actually feel like they have the power to make a change. But why is that? The real power has always been with the masses, not the few.
We can make a change, and we will
COVID was a testament to this. I know what you’re thinking. Not another COVID reference. But hear me out before you shut me down. The world came together. We dropped our differences when shit got real, which says something. We sang songs at sunset, danced in windows at neighbors, cheered on front-line workers, and treated each other like brothers and sisters. Aside from all the bad things, it was a truly wholesome moment for humanity.
Alright, alright… just tell me, what can I do?
It’s what you’ve been waiting for — it’s time to tear up the dance floor. Rave Revolution is hosting disruptive dance protests in New York City, London, and Rome to fight inequality and the climate crisis. We On Fire will begin April 21st and rave on until April 23rd. It’s time to funk down in the name of earthly justice. You can learn more on their website and stay in the loop via Instagram or Telegram.
Wanna do more with those dance moves & dirty beats?
Your voice and your actions can make a difference. We can go beyond recycling, reusing, and reducing waste — and we really ought to.
This isn’t about just bringing your own cup to a party. It’s about bringing your mind, your ideas, and your visions to the table. It’s about challenging yourself to think about how we can make what seems like the impossible — saving this planet — possible. Check out DJs for Climate Action to see how you can get more involved.