What is a rider? And why should you have one?
There are few things in this life where size doesn't matter. A rider IS one of those things. Regardless of how small or big you are — you need one. Without it, you're risking the biscuit — and this is one chance you shouldn't leave up to fate. Life as a DJ isn't just about slanging dope bass lines; it's also about taking care of business. So let's take care of business.
Baby gets what baby wants
The only way to get what you want is by asking. A Technical Rider is for all your equipment, cables, cords, gadgets, and thingamabobs. And a Hospitality Rider, aka your good time doc, is for all the things you need to have a good time, such as snacks, dranks, vices, and comforts.
Santa’s got a brand new bag
Think of your Tech Rider as your Christmas wishlist. Just like old Saint Nick needs a list to deliver gifts, promoters need one to set the booth up properly. Your Tech Rider should include detailed equipment preferences — from CDJs to mixers to controllers to instruments to microphones and any other elements needed to help you get your freak on.
One does not simply rip without the right deck
How are you planning to lay it down? With a stick, laptop, vinyl, some instruments, or live vocals? Whether you're just rolling up with a USB or a whole quartet, you've got to let your promoter know.
The Rolling Stones said it first
The only thing that is sure about this life is that you can't always get what you want. And that's why your Tech Rider should include a list of acceptable alternatives, ranked by your ability to settle while still delivering.
A picture is worth a thousand words
True. UNLESS — you're looking at Ikea assembly instructions. In the latter, nothing can save you. When it comes to a Tech Rider, diagrams can be a life savior, especially with complex layouts. Things you should consider include: deck layout, monitors, laptop placement, instruments and lighting preferences.
One thing to note is that it will always be more complicated if you're playing a hybrid or live set. So be sure to draw and spell it out.
The cherry on top
You wouldn't eat Lucky Charms without the marshmallows — so why play a gig without a sound guru? A professional sound technician should always be in the mix. This is a non-negotiable.
Your good time guarantee
Your Hospitality Rider is your go-to list for a good time. It should include all the things you need to enter your optimal state of flow. I'm talking coconut water, sour gummies, hot Cheetos, maybe a mango or six. Whatever you need to feel right at home should be on this list. Other things to consider include requests for guest list and backstage access (within reason). The most important thing of all to remember is... water. Dehydration is real, especially when you're on fire. So drink up — whether it's sparkling or still, you need your H2O.
Don’t hurt yourself kid
As you build out your Tech and Hospitality Riders, remember to keep your ego in check. Ask for what you need — this is not a moment to channel your inner Beyonce. No one likes to jump through hoops, and everyone appreciates a humbled mastermind.
Schooling is a J-O-B
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