A sanctuary for sound connoisseurs in the city of sunshine
Miami is home to many things: big booties, little dogs, sun-kissed tans, topless whips and the occasional weekend bender. But far too often, our homes are not our sanctuaries. After a few weeks in the wash, you’ll quickly start to feel like you’ve been left out to dry.
Between the push and pull of Miami's serenity and madness you'll find Soundtuary, a "family that comes together to celebrate life through music and under the values of empathy and positivism." Not to mention, they curate some of Miami's most memorable events.
The founders felt inspired to start their Soundtuary journey because “Miami needed to have a more meaningful type of event,” one that wasn't solely “focused on the artists or the lineups” but also “the small little details that unfold to make the most memorable experiences.”
The parties are often held during the day in outdoor locations where the natural elements serve as the decorations, and because of this, Soundtuary attracts "a different type of guest" - positive thinkers, eco-conscious groovers, and entrepreneurs who enjoy spending time with like-minded folks. The vibe is fueled by an eclectic crew of attendees, who are selective with their presence in the scene, creating a high level of engagement & frequency.
There’s two sides to every coin — yin cannot exist without its yang. For the founders, the uncertainty of curating the experiences can be tough, “especially doing outdoor events," where there are always risk factors — from financial to weather to logistics, driven by a city where the forecast can change multiple times a day.
With so many moving parts "even an intimate event can quickly become quite the challenge." But for the brains behind Soundtuary, “the rewarding feeling of bringing people together” and seeing them “disconnect for a few hours, dance, and smile is an amazing feeling.”
“Many crazy things have happened at Soundtuary," Ale tell us, "a lot of them weather related. The most recent one happened at our last event in Mendoza, Argentina. During Apache's set, we had a lightning show synced with the music." Check out the video below, featuring Zeus' on visuals and Apache on beats.
Although there is not ONE in particular — Soundtuary does have a type: easygoing, understanding, and grateful. With all the “challenges and contingencies of live events produced from scratch” less drama is always appreciated. There's a particular love for artists that show up with high energy and "give it their all, regardless if there’s 100 or 5,000 people.”
Dream locations
For Soundtuary, dreams are reality, as they've been lucky enough to throw some spectacular parties in sublime locations around the world, including Petra, Maldives, and Angra, Brazil. "I, personally, would love to throw an event in Mallorca. That's where I grew up and I would love to show what we do to my childhood friends," says Ale.
Nothing gets the Soundtuary crew more annoyed than "sound restrictions and guest list requests - especially the last-minute ones."
Sunsets or sunrises
“Hard to say. Sunrises and after parties are great and it's probably the best connection in terms of DJ, music, and crowd because at that time everyone is just devoted to music,” Ale tell us. But on the other hand, "day events leading up to sunset are amazing too. I choose sunset to sunrise!"
Easy — ”aDios, Apache, Rampue, Sis, The Soul Brothers, Viken Arman.”
Soundtuary has proven to us that dreams do come true. Whether that dream is throwing mystical events around the world, or experiencing a one-of-a-kind vibe that embodies what we really love about parties, they've got it covered.
Don't forget to follow Soundtuary on our website to stay up to date on their upcoming events!